Between Heats

Aspiring model Madison Thomas wants her first big catalogue campaign to go well. What she doesn’t count on is trying to get fired by swim champ and co-model Aaron Harding on her first day.

Aaron has a tough time pretending that he’s not attracted to the redheaded model. But Madison has her own game plan to get to the top, and getting entangled with Aaron is one complication she doesn’t need.

He knew he was in deep water the moment he saw her.

All that aspiring model Madison Thomas wants is for her first big catalogue campaign to go well. What she doesn’t count on is an all-American swimming champ and co-model trying to get her fired on her first day. But Madison doesn’t back down from a challenge and she won’t stop until she gets what she wants.

Aaron Harding has a tough time pretending that he’s not attracted to the redheaded model. When she makes her move, he’s all too willing to match her stroke for stroke.

Their attraction is undeniable. But Madison has her own game plan to get to the top, and getting entangled with Aaron is one complication she doesn’t need.

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Read an Excerpt

She opened the swimmer’s door without knocking and slammed it behind her. He turned to her in surprise. He was dressed in the same jammers he had been wearing for the shoot, but he was dripping wet, like had just thrown a glass of water over his head. Droplets clung to his black hair and dripped over his strong shoulders. Her eyes couldn’t help but travel over his muscled torso, lingering at the sexy V that disappeared beneath his swimwear. On some other day, in some other life, Madison would have taken a moment to admire that form. But not today.

“I can’t believe you!” she exploded, unable to keep the hurt from her voice. “This is important to me!”

Aaron grabbed a towel and held it in front of him, as if in defense. “I—” he said, caught off-guard. “Uh, it’s nothing personal. I mean, you’re still getting paid.”

“That’s not the point!” She shook her head. “It was never about the money. This was my first major endorsement, too. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this. I can see right through your wholesome, All-American act, hotshot! You’ve been nothing but rude to me since we first met but I didn’t think that you’d stoop so low as to—”

“Rude?” Aaron’s gray eyes looked puzzled.

Madison’s eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms over her chest. The robe slipped from her shoulders and that was when she realized that she was still clad only in her bikini bottom. She groaned inwardly, but held her stance. At least her arms now hid her chest from sight. “Oh come on,” she accused him. “You’ve barely spoken three words to me at the shoot, even after everything I did to get you to talk and relax. What, I didn’t even merit any kind of courtesy, and then this?”

Surprisingly, Aaron flushed redder than she had ever seen him. He licked his lips and she watched his Adam’s apple bob in a sexy swallow. “You distract me,” he said in a low voice.