Other Than Easy

Number one on cool and professional Emma Forrester’s to-do list upon arriving in Geneva is to buy a yacht for her employer. But it’s not just Kastler’s yacht that has caught her eye. The dark and handsome businessman is making Emma break every rule she has. Will one moment of passion be enough to tear down her walls?

Nautical by day…

Number one on Emma’s to-do list upon arriving in Geneva is to buy a yacht for her employer. Not that Emma’s daunted; she’s got ice in her veins. From business deals to personal relationships, she knows she’s got her priorities straight.

Naughty by night…

But it’s not just Kastler’s yacht that has caught her eye. The dark and handsome businessman is making Emma break every rule she has. Will one moment of passion be enough to tear down her walls?

Available on Amazon

Read an Excerpt

“Power and speed don’t impress you,” Kastler noted. “I mean, you look distinctly unimpressed.”

“Should they?” she quipped. “Maybe I’m much more impressed by scenic views.”

“Well then, you’re in luck because we have those here in spades,” he replied, stepping closer and nodding to the majestic lake. He turned the winch to loosen the sails and slow the boat to a gradual stop, probably so she can admire the view more.

“I’m also impressed by good company,” Emma added.

“Are you implying that you’re missing that this afternoon?” Kastler laughed. “It’s starting to look like you’re a hard woman to please, Miss Forrester.”

“On the contrary, I think I’m very easily pleased,” she told him.

“So does this please you?” he asked softly. He paused and Emma looked to see his head inclined towards hers. She didn’t notice how close he was until now. His hand was on the wheel, a mere couple of inches from where hers rested. “The boat, I mean.”

She gave a start. “What does it matter? I’m not the one who’s buying it.”

“But your good opinion counts.”

Were they still talking about the boat? Emma thought she had a good handle on things but this afternoon with the surprisingly hard-to-read Leo Kastler was proving to be a challenge. Every time she thought she had figured him out, he was constantly surprising her, from the J. Winston Northam to the trip down memory lane. “I think I can put in a word for you. Anything else I can do for you, Monsieur Kastler?” she murmured, looking back at the lake. She could feel the heat from his body and with a daring that she didn’t know she possessed, Emma let her fingers brush against his.

The moment their hands touched, Emma froze. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just did that, she chided herself. There was no way she could pretend that was an innocent brush. Heaven knew she wasn’t the type to flirt so brazenly with a complete stranger. Maybe a little coy bantering or meaningful looks. But Emma wasn’t the type to make the first move.
Apparently all she needed was some wine and Lac Léman.

And one gorgeous, mystery-reading, panic-inducing billionaire.

She felt Kastler take a deep breath behind her, and his hand traveled up the wheel to cover the back of her hand. With his thumb, he gently stroked the patch of skin between her thumb and index finger in small circles—tentatively at first, before gaining a bit of confidence. Emma was also fully aware of how close his lips were to her ear.

Emma didn’t pull away, and welcomed the sensation his touch had created. It sent small but pleasurable shockwaves throughout her body. She leaned back against his chest and let a small contented sigh escape from her lips.

It was as if Kastler was waiting for that response, and he pressed his lips against her temple. His lips then left soft kisses from the back of one ear and down the curve of her neck. Unconsciously, Emma tilted her head to the side to give him more access. One moment she was looking out at the mountains, the next her eyes were closed and her nerves were focused where his lips pursued her skin. The warmth of his breath and skin sent a flush through her, despite the chilly wind that nipped at both of them.

While his thumb was busy drawing circles, his free hand had slid around her waist which brought her closer to his heat. He had a firm and strong torso, Emma noted belatedly as she felt a tight knot form in her belly, and she couldn’t help but arch her body towards him. There was a muted groan from Kastler, and his mouth trailed back from her neck to her cheek. The movement dislodged her sunglasses from her ear. With a brief exasperation at the sudden nuisance, she pulled them free. The action made her turn her head to face him, only to look straight into his eyes. Hazel—warm and clear.

If Leo Kastler was hard to read then, he was easy to read now. Emma saw those eyes flicker from hers down to her lips and back again. She was thinking the same thing, and heeding to her sudden bravado, she brought her lips to his.

Their kiss was electric. Emma had kissed other men before, but this was the first time that she felt something instantly stirring in her. She drew back in surprise. She would have shook it away if Kastler hadn’t been staring at her, too. They were both breathing hard. Then as if responding to some invisible cue, they kissed again.